Make Twice The Gains With The Hodgetwins

When it comes to building muscle, change gets gains. In fact, trying a new workout every 4-8 weeks and taking rest weeks is a time-honored practice among lifters. This periodized approach is the key to long-term exercise success and avoiding overtraining. No matter how much you switch up your training, there's often a program that works best for your particular body type. The Hodges' physiques are no exception.

"No matter how much you switch up your training, there's often a program that works best for your particular body type."

"Working each body part twice per week using a rep range of 5-8 reps for compound movements, such as squats, deadlift and bench presses, and 8-12 reps for isolation exercises, such as concentration curls and triceps pushdowns, seems to be the formula we've had the most success with," they explain. "Plus, we don't train to failure."This notion might go against the mantra of yesteryear's bodybuilders, but research is lending plenty of credence to it.. At the end of six weeks, there was no significant difference between the gains made by either group. Yep, that's right: all that extra effort for no additional reward, so save your breath and listen to the Hodge wisdom.This was actually echoed by further research at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, where it was discovered that lifting less weight more times is just as effective for building muscle as lifting with heavy weights. Plus you're probably less likely to get injured.

Eating Smart

The Hodge twins often run cooking segments—diet has always formed a huge part of their broadcasts—answering questions from viewers and showcasing the best foods for building muscle.

  • Rule 1: Protein sources should be lean cuts of beef, chicken, and eggs.
  • Rule 2: Ideal carb sources are rice, potatoes, legumes, and vegetables.
  • Rule 3: Eat home-cooked meals and healthy choices from restaurants as well.
  • Rule 4: When reducing their weight, the twins eat 1,800-2,000 calories daily.
  • Rule 5: They restrict carbohydrates to 50 grams or less 2-3 days a week.
  • Rule 6: Eat up to 4-6 to six small meals per day.